Morning Everybody.

First thing I would like to do is wish all the Mothers out there a Very Happy Mothers Day! Hope everyone of you have a very special day.

Now for the update. There is a quick video report which is here…

Update for 5-10-14


It was a good day, 4 on the boat and 4 Ling Cod keepers retained. Also brought home 1 more Greenling to throw in the freezer.


Now for the pictures, one of these days I will remember to break out the video camera and get some video of the fish. Until that day though you get to settle for pictures of them =)…


2014-05-10 17.37.40 2014-05-10 17.12.27 2014-05-10 17.12.54 2014-05-10 17.15.30 2014-05-10 17.16.05


We ran a pretty tight race for the sizes today, 26 1/4, 27 1/2, 28 1/2 and 30 1/2 all the perfect size for filleting. Once they get over 31 inches they start to become cumbersome to work with.

Ok folks, thats about it for now, need to get ready to visit my mother-in-law Marcy. She is the only Mom I have left and honestly been more of a Mother to me than my birth mother ever was. So see you soon Mom, Love ya much!!

Until next time, “F.O.B”